You love writing, you want to write, but when you sit down in front of your laptop your mind goes as blank as the screen.
More than ever before, we are swamped by writing advice. From how to finish a book in just a month to how to become a bestseller, GUARANTEED! Yet, writers have been feeling more lost and confused than ever. So what gives?
Obviously literary blogs and videos can be useful to learn some quick tricks. But those don't work until and unless the writer has a strong literary foundation. If you want to pump out content in the hopes of making it big, then a how-to article is the way to go. But if you are looking to build your creativity and hone your writing skills, then you need a creative writing guide.
This is where Couch Potato Author comes in. With my experience as an author of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction books, which have been translated into Italian and Portuguese as well as a literature and creative writing teacher, I have put together a unique creative writing guide that delves into both theoretical and practical aspects of writing.
Couch Potato Author tackles the biggest bane of all aspiring writers - THE INSPIRATION. Some might believe the writers are born with creative genius, but I can attest that there is nothing more powerful than hard work. In this book, I will demonstrate 4 simple steps that anyone can use to find their creative inspiration.