In this brief overview of the spiritual history of South Africa, the author highlights how, no matter what restrictions or hindrances our own failings and weaknesses, or those of others, place, or have placed on situations intended to bring about God’s purposes he nevertheless works his ‘bright designs and works his sovereign will’. (Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:28). In fact, all too often, difficulties, losses, frustrations and unbearable pain are given to us to grow us to a new level in our spiritual life or to prepare us for something better.
This principle is illustrated through numerous accounts of how adversities, difficulties, and sufferings in the lives of the missionaries and the church have led to yet greater progress of God's kingdom and his purposes throughout the history of South Africa, giving us great hope for a good future, in spite of all appearances to the contrary.
For those believers who wonder if their lives have made or will make any contribution to God’s kingdom purposes, this book will provide strong encouragement to keep believing and trusting in the God of the impossible.