The Hills of Estrella Roja
Ashley Robin Franklin
- 2024
- Great
- Graphic
- Novels
- for
- Teens2024
- Texas
- Maverick
- Graphic
- Novel
- Reading
- ListIn
- this
- delightfully
- creepy
- and
- unapologetically
- queer
- horror
- romp
- of
- a
- graphic
- novel,
- sometimes
- dreams
- do
- come
- true.
- Nightmares
- are
- technically
- dreams,
- after
- all....When
- college
- freshman
- Kat
- Fields
- receives
- a
- mysterious
- email
- urging
- her
- to
- visit
- a
- relatively
- unknown
- Texas
- town
- with
- a
- history
- of
- witchcraft,
- strange
- sightings,
- and
- “devil
- lights”—glowing
- red
- stars
- that
- appear
- above
- the
- town’s
- hills
- every
- night—she
- ditches
- her
- plans
- for
- spring
- break
- and
- takes
- a
- solo
- road
- trip
- to
- Estrella
- Roja
- to
- investigate
- for
- her
- podcast*,
- Paranormal
- Texas*,
- catchphrase:
- “Y’all
- stay
- spooky!”Meanwhile,
- Marisol
- “Mari”
- Castillo
- is
- also
- headed
- for
- Estrella
- Roja,
- to
- attend
- the
- funeral
- for
- her
- abuela
- whom
- she
- hasn’t
- seen
- since
- childhood,
- when
- her
- mom
- cut
- ties
- with
- the
- family
- and
- left
- town.
- Feeling
- lost
- and
- bored,
- she
- decides
- to
- help
- Kat
- after
- a
- chance
- meeting
- at
- the
- local
- diner—and,
- okay,
- it
- doesn’t
- hurt
- that
- Kat
- is
- super
- cute.As
- the
- two
- girls
- grow
- closer
- not
- only
- to
- each
- other
- but
- to
- uncovering
- the
- dark
- legacy
- that
- the
- town
- was
- built
- on,
- they
- discover
- that
- something
- hungry
- lurks
- beneath
- the
- strange
- stars
- and
- that
- in
- the
- hills
- of
- Estrella
- Roja,
- some
- secrets
- should
- stay buried.