Special Agent Gallagher of the FBI arrives to a Massachusetts asylum for the criminally insane in search of clues to the disappearance of a well-known cult leader. The inmate, former Bureau Special Agent Frank West, claims to have murdered the missing cultist to prevent the summoning of a powerful entity, a "dead god who slumbers at the bottom of the ocean". But the body is missing, and wherever Gallagher turns he seems to run into walls of bureaucracy and silence.
From the decaying suburbs of the nation's capital to the gloomy ghost-town of Dunwich, West takes Gallagher on a tour of a world filled with horror and madness as he details his encounter with the dread cult and his unrelenting hunt for its leader, the mysterious Jasper Corbin.
Is there an intricate, decades-old conspiracy at work, or does the cover-up exist only in West's ailing mind? Are unimaginable things lurking at the threshold of reality, seeking a way to cross over? For agent Gallagher, the revelations are only beginning.