The Contemporary Personal Transformation Guide


In th?? b??k, m?nd? ?nd ?????ght w?ll be v??w?d un??u?l? without deviating fr?m its real concept. As m? audience already kn?w? m? for uniqueness ?n m? previous book, Y?u should note th?t Our ability to understand ?ur m?nd? ?nd ??n?? the inner w?rld ?f ?th?r? m?? b? th? singular hum?n t?l?nt, th? k?? t? nurtur?ng healthy m?nd? ?nd hearts. I’v? ?x?l?r?d this t?rr??n in m? w?rk ?n ?m?t??n?l ?nd social ?nt?ll?g?n??. Self-awareness, ??lf-??nf?d?n??, and empathy ?r? (?l?ng w?th self-mastery and ?????l ?k?ll?) domains ?f hum?n ability essential for ?u????? in l?f?. Excellence ?n th??? capacities h?l?? ????l? fl?ur??h ?n r?l?t??n?h???, family life, m?rr??g?, ?nd work and leadership.
Of th??? four critical l?f? ?k?ll?, ??lf-?w?r?n??? l??? th? foundation for the rest. If we ??nn?t monitor ?ur ?m?t??n?, w? w?ll ???rl? m?n?g? ?r l??rn from them. Tun?d out ?f a r?ng? of ?ur own ?x??r??n??, w? w?ll f?nd ?t h?rd?r t? ?ttun? t? th?t same r?ng? ?n ?th?r?.
M?nd??ght plays an ?nt?gr?t?v? r?l? ?n th? tr??ngl? ??nn??t?ng r?l?t??n?h???, m?nd, and br??n. As ?n?rg? and information fl?w ?m?ng th??? ?l?m?nt? ?f human ?x??r??n??, ??tt?rn? ?m?rg? that ?h??? ?ll thr?? (?nd th? br??n h?r? includes its ?xt?n???n? via th? n?rv?u? ???t?m thr?ugh?ut the body). Th?? v????n is holistic in the tru? sense ?f the w?rd, ?n?lu??v? ?f ?ur wh?l? b??ng. W?th m?nd??ght, w? can better kn?w ?nd m?n?g? th?? v?t?l flow ?f being.
Th?r? ?? an internal m?nt?l w?rld w?th?n each of us—what I h?v? come t? th?nk ?f ?? th? sea ?n??d? th?t is a w?nd?rfull? rich place, f?ll?d w?th thoughts ?nd f??l?ng?, m?m?r??? ?nd dreams, h???? ?nd w??h??. Of ??ur??, it can ?l?? b? a turbul?nt ?l???, where w? ?x??r??n?? the d?rk ??d? ?f ?ll those wonderful f??l?ng? ?nd thoughts—fears, ??rr?w?, dr??d?, r?gr?t?, n?ghtm?r??. When this inner sea seems to ?r??h ?n on us, threatening to dr?g u? d?wn below t? th? dark d??th?, ?t can m?k? us f??l ?? ?f w? ?r? drowning. Wh? ?m?ng u? has n?t ?t one time or ?n?th?r f?lt overwhelmed b? the sensations fr?m within ?ur ?wn m?nd?? S?m?t?m?? th??? feelings ?r? ju?t a ?????ng th?ng—? bad d?? ?t work, a f?ght with someone w? love, ?n ?tt??k ?f nerves ?b?ut a t??t w? have to t?k? or a ?r???nt?t??n w? h?v? to g?v?, ?r just an inexplicable ???? of the blu?? f?r a day ?r tw?. But ??m?t?m?? th?? ???m to b? ??m?th?ng much more ?ntr??t?bl?, so much ??rt ?f th? v?r? ????n?? ?f wh? we ?r? th?t ?t m?? n?t ?v?n occur t? u? th?t w? can change them. This is wh?r? th? skill that I have ??ll?d “m?nd??ght” ??m?? in, f?r m?nd??ght, once m??t?r?d, is a trul? tr?n?f?rm?t??n?l t??l. M?nd??ght has th? ??t?nt??l to fr?? u? fr?m ??tt?rn? ?f mind th?t ?r? g?tt?ng ?n the w?? ?f living ?ur lives to the full??t

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