"The Rearview Mirror" tells of Harvey Cullum, an average Joe rideshare driver with mental-health issues, and a past. When he wakes up in a state mental hospital, he is forced to relive the fateful week-long descent into psychosis in order to help the police put a long-cold case to bed.
"The Rearview Mirror" is a multi-genre anthology tied in one dazzling thriller delivered by fourteen authors from five countries.
Approximate length: 320 Pages
The Rearview Mirror is brought to you by the Active Alumni Writers who are as follows:
B.O'ree Williams
Carole Wolfe
Looly Paarker
Madeline Slovenz
Megan Basinger
Markus Boch
Chaz Hamilton
Bart Mann
Diane Krause
Krissy Baccaro
Alicya Xanders
Evelyn Puerto
Alejandra Cué
J.H. O'Rourke