Coco - The Little White Pup

A Zoe Bella Book #9

Reeks: A Zoe Bella



What can I say about Coco? She is a white pup with a red nose. Most dog lovers will shout! "That's not enough! Tell us more!! What about she was born in a Mexican bean patch or she was the only pup out of seven that survived!! The rest were eaten by coyotes!!That should be enough. "NO!" You say! "WE! Want more!" OK lets try eating lizards and grasshoppers to stay alive or being chased by a rattlesnake and a killer coyote into a raging Mexican waterway: NOT KNOWING HOW TO SWIM!! That's all I am going to say about the bad stuff. **************************************************************************************************************************************************

NOW FOR SOME GOOD STUFF. Like being saved from the raging Mexican waters by Zoe. What luck that was! Coco now has a real home in RED ROCK,ARIZONA and healthy food to eat and lots of love from Zoe and Bella. That sounds better. Coco also made some great Red Rock friends. Like Foxy Roxie who thinks she is a movie star.(Coco did not think so.) She also met Rudy a lost blind poodle and last but not least she met Sam the bulldog coyote killer. He came in handy when the Mask Marauders of Red Rock were threatening Zoe and Bella's family.


If you want to learn more about the incredible adventures of Coco-The Little White Pup- you need to read Zoe and Bella's new book -COCO-

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