From the satirical minds behind the viral sensation The Babylon Bee comes the latest installment of its guide series that will teach you how to survive every potential end-times situation, from the coming communist takeover to the rise of artificial intelligence-powered death robots.
The apocalypse is nigh! With the imminent threat of climate change, alien invasion, zombie attacks, dangerous MAGA terrorists, and countless other possible scenarios, the world could literally end before you finish reading this sentence. Oh, good—looks like it didn’t. But that doesn’t mean you're safe. In The Babylon Bee Guide to the Apocalypse, the writers of trusted fake news site The Babylon Bee teach you how to survive in every potential end-times situation, from the coming communist takeover to the rise of artificial intelligence-powered death robots. It’s the only way to be prepared!
This book includes literally everything you need to prep for the apocalypse including the following:
While other books just tell you that we’re doomed and the collapse of Western Civilization is imminent, only The Babylon Bee Guide to the Apocalypse gives you the tools you need to survive it. If you don’t buy a copy, it’s not like it’s the end of the world. OH WAIT—IT IS.