50 Rules for Barhopping


This book is the product of 19 years of visiting gogo bars in Thailand and the Philippines (on and off). I do not pretend to be an expert, especially as, over the years, I have made every mistake in the book – but that's where the rules came from. I started making them after my first trip as a way to keep myself on the straight and narrow – only to break them and have to learn the lessons all over again. Most rules are illustrated with an anecdote or two about something that happened to me, or sometimes to a friend. There is also the occasional poem (my pen name is not Bangkok Byron for nothing!). It is my belief that, if you follow the rules, you will be empowered to get the most out of your visit – if you can stick to them! That is the hard part, especially when you are high on Singha or San Mig Light and a cute young thing is dry humping on your lap!

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