Justin Bertolli, a 29-year-old free-spirited bachelor with smoldering good looks, had nothing to want for. Until a chance encounter with a woman unlike any other. Ambra Taylor was a stunning natural beauty, full of mystery and sensuality. A woman that made Justin rethink everything he ever wanted. Ambra was perfect, all except for her puzzling behaviors. Justin had questions about Ambra’s past that he could not answer. Nothing could prepare him for what Ambra really was. Will his love be strong enough to keep them together, forever?A page turning paranormal romance set in the late 1990’s, A Mortal Indiscretion is an epic love story that explores love, life, and death. Join Justin on his journey to learn about Ambra and what she truly is. A Mortal Indiscretion is the first novel in a vampire romance series. Look for the dark, foreboding sequel, Marzio’s Revenge, available now in Ebook and Paperback.