AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide
CLF-C01 Exam
Ben Piper ; David Clinton
- Set
- yourself
- apart
- by
- becoming
- an
- Certified
- Cloud
- PractitionerTake
- the
- next
- step
- in
- your
- career
- by
- expanding
- and
- validating
- your
- skills
- on
- the
- Amazon
- Web
- Services
- (AWS)
- Cloud.
- The
- Certified
- Cloud
- Practitioner
- Study
- Guide:
- Exam
- CLF-C01
- provides
- a
- solid
- introduction
- to
- this
- industry-leading
- technology,
- relied
- upon
- by
- thousands
- of
- businesses
- across
- the
- globe,
- as
- well
- as
- the
- resources
- you
- need
- to
- prove
- your
- knowledge
- in
- the
- Certification
- Exam.
- This
- guide
- offers
- complete
- and
- thorough
- treatment
- of
- all
- topics
- included
- in
- the
- exam,
- beginning
- with
- a
- discussion
- of
- what
- the
- cloud
- is
- and
- its
- basic
- global
- infrastructure
- and
- architectural
- principles.
- Other
- chapters
- dive
- into
- the
- technical,
- exploring
- core
- characteristics
- of
- deploying
- and
- operating
- in
- the
- Cloud
- Platform,
- as
- well
- as
- basic
- security
- and
- compliance
- aspects
- and
- the
- shared
- security
- model.
- In
- addition,
- the
- text
- identifies
- sources
- of
- documentation
- or
- technical
- assistance,
- such
- as
- white
- papers
- or
- support
- tickets.To
- complete
- their
- coverage,
- the
- authors
- discuss
- the
- Cloud
- value
- proposition
- and
- define
- billing,
- account
- management,
- and
- pricing
- models.
- This
- includes
- describing
- the
- key
- services
- can
- provide
- and
- their
- common
- use
- cases
- (e.g.,
- compute,
- analytics,
- etc.).The
- Certified
- Cloud
- Practitioner
- Study
- Guide
- is
- essential
- reading
- for
- any
- professional
- in
- IT
- or
- other
- fields
- that
- work
- directly
- with
- AWS,
- soon-to-be
- graduates
- studying
- in
- those
- areas,
- or
- anyone
- hoping
- to
- prove
- themselves
- as
- an
- Certified
- Cloud Practitioner.