Fe: an Atom's Tale
Benjamin Bronte
- Cloud
- Atlas
- meets
- Forrest
- Gump
- meets
- Albert
- Einstein
- in
- this
- fast-paced,
- grippingly
- brilliant
- 8-billion-year
- biography
- of
- the
- universe's
- most
- interesting
- iron
- atom.Born
- from
- a
- dying
- red
- giant,
- the
- atom
- Fe
- orbits
- the
- early
- Solar
- system,
- trapped
- aboard
- an
- iron-nickel
- asteroid.
- Now,
- after
- billions
- of
- years
- of
- waiting,
- Fe
- is
- about
- to
- fall
- to
- Earth
- and
- into
- the
- clutches
- of
- vicious
- and
- clever
- Homo
- sapiens.Benjamin
- Bronte's
- brilliant
- debut
- novel
- is
- an
- ingenious
- telling
- of
- humanity's
- past,
- present,
- and
- future,
- all
- through
- the
- quantum-scale
- perspective
- of
- a
- single
- atom.
- Near-indestructible
- and
- ineffably
- magnetic,
- Fe
- is
- a
- hero
- like
- no
- other.
- After
- its
- flaming,
- plummeting
- asteroid
- slams
- into
- the
- sands
- of
- ancient
- Mesopotamia,
- Fe
- finds
- itself
- forged
- into
- a
- deadly
- weapon
- by
- powerful
- princes
- whose
- peoples
- have
- not
- yet
- discovered
- the
- secret
- of
- iron
- working.Time,
- gravity,
- and
- fundamental
- forces
- march
- ever
- onwards,
- leaving
- unforgettable
- characters
- and
- their
- deeply-human
- narratives
- behind,
- following
- the
- immortal
- and
- infinitesimal
- Fe
- to
- its
- next
- grand
- adventure.
- Thrilling
- scenes
- of
- the
- Second
- World
- War
- give
- way
- to
- the
- humorous,
- and
- often
- maddening,
- complexity
- of
- our
- own
- overconnected
- 21st-century
- world,
- only
- for
- Fe
- to
- leave
- Earth
- forever,
- welded
- into
- a
- spaceship,
- destined
- to
- settle
- other
- worlds…In
- Fe:
- an
- Atom's
- Tale,
- the
- science
- on
- every
- page
- is
- meticulously
- accurate,
- while
- its
- immersive,
- metaphor-rich
- writing
- style
- ensures
- that
- readers
- remain
- entertained
- rather
- than
- overwhelmed.
- Benjamin
- Bronte's
- training
- as
- a
- physicist
- and
- educator,
- paired
- with
- relentless
- research,
- has
- guaranteed
- an
- unprecedented
- level
- of
- plausibility
- for
- a
- work
- of
- science
- fiction.
- Readers
- of
- Fe:
- an
- Atom's
- Tale
- will
- learn
- how
- magnetic
- fields
- work
- during
- a
- shoot-out
- in
- a
- drug
- lab,
- and
- they'll
- come
- to
- appreciate
- the
- role
- of
- hemoglobin
- while
- enjoying
- a
- tribal
- feast.
- Following
- Fe,
- readers
- will
- learn
- about
- metallurgy,
- cosmology,
- how
- to
- break
- into
- the
- Louvre,
- dive-bombers,
- fair
- prices
- for
- classic
- guitars,
- photosynthesis,
- and
- how
- to
- accidentally
- start
- a
- religion.
- Fe
- may
- be
- a
- single,
- mindless
- atom
- of
- iron,
- but
- what
- other
- novel's
- main
- character
- rides
- on
- a
- meteor,
- is
- captured
- by
- Nazis,
- and
- lives
- inside
- a
- goat?Fe's
- may
- be
- the
- smallest
- story
- ever
- told,
- but
- no
- other
- novel
- has
- gone
- so
- deep
- and
- in
- such
- an
- entertaining
- manner.
- Garnering
- instant
- praise
- from
- fans
- in
- early
- releases,
- Fe:
- an
- Atom's
- Tale
- is
- proving
- to
- be
- a
- remarkably
- unique,
- and
- remarkably
- entertaining,
- debut.
- Written
- in
- the
- spirit
- of
- Isaac
- Asimov
- and
- hard
- science
- fiction
- like
- Steven
- Baxter
- and
- Arthur
- C.
- Clarke,
- Fe:
- an
- Atom's
- Tale
- presents
- something
- entirely
- new:
- a
- groundbreaking
- novel
- that
- puts
- the
- 'science'
- back
- in
- science fiction.
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