Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
- "He
- was
- therefore,
- feasted
- and
- invited
- to
- all
- the
- court
- parties.
- At
- these
- he
- sometimes
- met
- the
- old
- Duchess
- of
- Bourbon,
- who,
- being
- a
- chess
- player
- of
- about
- his
- force,
- they
- very
- generally
- played
- together.
- Happening
- once
- to
- put
- her
- king
- into
- prize,
- the
- Doctor
- took
- it.
- 'Ah,'
- says
- she,
- 'we
- do
- not
- take
- kings
- so.'
- 'We
- do
- in
- America,'
- said
- the
- Doctor."—Thomas Jefferson