15-Minute Sessions, 3 Times A Week, For A Healthy Back.
Back pain is the evil of the century. Due to a lack of physical activity, we suffer from spinal problems at an earlier and earlier age and have to make multiple appointments to find the miracle treatment. The causes of back pain are multiple and cause more and more people to suffer.
Benjamin Martinez, a qualified physiotherapist specializing in sports medicine, has created a five-step method to maintain the back and thus prevent and relieve pain for everyone, especially Seniors. The principle: quick and regular muscle flexibility and strengthening sessions to regain tone and mobility.
Become familiar with the anatomical structures that specifically affect the back, such as the spine, muscles and ligaments. Knowing their role, their constitution and their functioning will allow you to become aware of the origin of your back pain and the anatomical elements to work on to get your back back in shape.
You will discover in this practical guide:
Day after day, you will gain strength and flexibility and regain your freedom of movement. Don't wait until you're in pain to take care of your back!
This manual is aimed both at seniors who wish to maintain their physical condition effectively and simply and at any person responsible for leading and supervising specific sessions.
My vision as the author is to empower as many seniors as possible to become fit, strong, and happy. "Your age may define the calendar, but your strength and resilience define your journey."
So why wait? ?? CLICK THE BUY NOW BUTTON to purchase the book and get started on your journey towards a stronger, healthier you!