It's a cat's life for Fluffy and PKP until their Two-Feet companions have to take jobs out of the home. Gone are the days of snacks on demand and quality time patting and purring. Instead, Fluffy is left at the mercy of her psychotically aggressive sister, PKP (that's Princess KILLER Pinknose, to you!) while Dana and Colin are at work as wage slaves. It won't do! Fortunately for fluffy, when Dana tries to introduce Colin to the Internet, Inspiration-with-a-capital-I strikes. Fluffy takes matters into her own capable paws, and before you can say "Dogs are stupid" the two felines are racing along in the fast lane of the Information Superhighway.
Well, technology is a great think, but the Superhighway still has plenty of potholes. From the difficulties of reining in PKP's killer instincts ("What do you mean insider information is illegal?") to the Pizza Problem, Fluffy has her paws full as the tow cats navigate their way toward complete financial freedom for their Two-Feet pals.