Conversations with Good Men
Bethel Swift
- Conversations
- with
- Good
- Men
- is
- a
- three-act
- drama,
- written
- in
- verse,
- that
- takes
- readers
- on
- a
- journey
- of
- love,
- longing,
- heartbreak,
- and
- hope.
- Swift's
- poems
- compassionately
- explore
- the
- concept
- of
- man's
- "goodness"
- in
- addition
- to
- her
- own
- struggles
- as
- a
- single
- female
- navigating
- the
- world
- of
- dating
- and
- relationships
- while
- contending
- with
- anxiety,
- depression,
- sexual
- assault,
- survivorship,
- and
- the
- pain
- that
- accompanies
- growth.
- Fans
- of
- poets
- from
- Elizabeth
- Barrett
- Browning,
- to
- E.E.
- Cummings,
- to
- Rupi
- Kaur
- and
- Charly
- Cox
- will
- appreciate
- Swift's
- brevity,
- wit,
- transparency,
- and
- heart
- in
- this collection.