Hinduism: A Quantum Metaphysical Perspective
- Hinduism:
- A
- Quantum
- Metaphysical
- Perspective
- by
- Dr.
- Bhaskar
- Bora
- is
- a
- groundbreaking
- exploration
- of
- the
- deep
- and
- thought-provoking
- connections
- between
- Hindu
- philosophy
- and
- the
- transformative
- world
- of
- quantum
- physics.
- This
- scholarly
- yet
- poetic
- work
- bridges
- ancient
- wisdom
- with
- modern
- scientific
- insights,
- offering
- readers
- a
- visionary
- journey
- into
- the
- essence
- of
- reality.Through
- 40
- meticulously
- researched
- and
- beautifully
- crafted
- chapters,
- Dr.
- Bora
- examines
- the
- profound
- parallels
- between
- the
- metaphysical
- teachings
- of
- Hinduism
- and
- the
- revelations
- of
- quantum
- science.
- From
- the
- timeless
- principles
- of
- Brahman
- and
- Maya
- to
- the
- quantum
- phenomena
- of
- entanglement,
- superposition,
- and
- wave
- function
- collapse,
- this
- book
- uncovers
- the
- hidden
- interconnectedness
- that
- unites
- spirituality
- and
- science.Each
- chapter
- delves
- deeply
- into
- concepts
- such
- as:This
- book
- is
- not
- just
- an
- academic
- exercise;
- it
- is
- a
- call
- to
- rethink
- existence
- itself.
- Written
- for
- scholars,
- scientists,
- spiritual
- seekers,
- and
- anyone
- fascinated
- by
- the
- mysteries
- of
- the
- universe,
- Hinduism:
- A
- Quantum
- Metaphysical
- Perspective
- is
- a
- must-read
- for
- those
- seeking
- a
- harmonious
- blend
- of
- science
- and
- spirituality.With
- its
- poetic
- prose,
- rich
- metaphysical
- insights,
- and
- connections
- to
- modern
- science,
- this
- book
- illuminates
- how
- ancient
- wisdom
- can
- guide
- our
- understanding
- of
- cutting-edge
- discoveries
- in
- quantum
- physics,
- offering
- a
- vision
- of
- unity
- in
- diversity
- and
- infinite
- possibilities.Are
- you
- ready
- to
- explore
- the
- profound
- dance
- of
- the
- cosmos
- and
- discover
- the
- secrets
- of
- existence
- through
- the
- harmonious
- lens
- of
- Hindu
- metaphysics
- and
- quantum
- science?
- This
- book
- will
- leave
- you
- with
- a
- deeper
- understanding
- of
- the
- universe
- and
- your
- role
- within it.