- What
- really
- happens
- when
- we
- die?
- Is
- it
- simply
- the
- end,
- or
- is
- there
- more
- to
- the
- process
- than
- we
- realize?
- In
- What
- Happens
- When
- We
- Die,
- Dr.
- Bhaskar
- Bora
- offers
- a
- compelling,
- in-depth
- exploration
- of
- the
- science,
- philosophy,
- and
- cultural
- perspectives
- on
- death.
- Drawing
- from
- cutting-edge
- research
- in
- biology,
- forensic
- science,
- and
- anthropology,
- this
- book
- unravels
- the
- complex
- sequence
- of
- events
- that
- occur
- from
- the
- moment
- life
- ends
- to
- the
- final
- stages
- of
- decomposition.Dr.
- Bora
- takes
- readers
- on
- a
- journey
- through
- the
- biology
- of
- death—explaining
- in
- detail
- the
- systematic
- shutdown
- of
- vital
- organs,
- the
- role
- of
- forensic
- science
- in
- death
- investigations,
- and
- the
- future
- of
- death
- as
- humanity
- ventures
- into
- space.
- From
- the
- microscopic
- cellular
- breakdown
- to
- the
- study
- of
- mass
- graves,
- this
- book
- delves
- into
- every
- facet
- of
- mortality,
- offering
- a
- comprehensive
- guide
- to
- understanding
- our
- final
- moments.You'll
- explore
- fascinating
- topics
- such
- as
- cryonics—freezing
- bodies
- after
- death
- in
- the
- hope
- of
- future
- revival—and
- forensic
- anthropology,
- which
- helps
- scientists
- uncover
- the
- mysteries
- hidden
- in
- ancient
- mass
- graves.
- The
- book
- also
- examines
- near-death
- experiences
- and
- what
- science
- has
- to
- say
- about
- them,
- the
- ethical
- debates
- surrounding
- euthanasia,
- and
- the
- cultural
- diversity
- in
- how
- societies
- handle
- death
- rituals.
- Additionally,
- it
- tackles
- modern-day
- dilemmas,
- such
- as
- organ
- donation
- and
- the
- impact
- of
- technology
- on
- death
- with
- the
- rise
- of
- the
- "digital
- afterlife."Whether
- you're
- curious
- about
- the
- biological
- processes
- of
- dying,
- interested
- in
- the
- future
- of
- death
- technologies,
- or
- drawn
- to
- the
- mystical
- and
- cultural
- interpretations
- of
- the
- afterlife,
- What
- Happens
- When
- We
- Die
- provides
- a
- well-rounded,
- thought-provoking
- look
- into
- death's
- mysteries.
- With
- the
- combined
- wisdom
- of
- scientific
- facts
- and
- philosophical
- insights,
- this
- book
- challenges
- everything
- you
- thought
- you
- knew
- about
- death.Key
- Topics
- Covered:The
- biology
- of
- dying:
- What
- happens
- to
- our
- bodies
- at
- the
- cellular
- levelThe
- science
- of
- decomposition
- and
- the
- role
- of
- forensic
- scienceCryonics:
- Can
- we
- freeze
- and
- revive
- the
- dead?Near-death
- experiences:
- What
- does
- science
- say?The
- ethics
- of
- euthanasia
- and
- choosing
- deathOrgan
- donation
- and
- life
- after
- deathThe
- digital
- afterlife:
- How
- death
- exists
- in
- the
- internet
- ageCultural
- and
- religious
- perspectives
- on
- death
- across
- the
- globeDeath
- in
- extreme
- environments:
- What
- happens
- when
- we
- die
- in
- space?In
- this
- masterfully
- researched
- book,
- Dr.
- Bhaskar
- Bora
- brings
- clarity
- to
- a
- subject
- often
- cloaked
- in
- fear
- and
- mystery,
- offering
- readers
- an
- opportunity
- to
- deepen
- their
- understanding
- of
- mortality
- while
- contemplating
- the
- profound
- implications
- of
- life's
- final chapter.
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