Kundalini Chakra: Positive Effects on Whole Body and Mind


Kundalini energy is a creative energy that, when active, flows throughout the universe and integrates heaven and earth, yang and yin. This energy has been known since ancient times as "Serpent Fire".
Everything in creation is energy! Each being and element has its energy vortex. Since ancient times in the initiation schools and temples of India, there were practices with the energetic and spiritual development of powerful energy called Kundalini.
The word Kundalini derives from Sanskrit which means "coiled like a serpent" or "one in the form of a serpent."
This denomination alludes to the Cosmic Energy that focuses on each Being and that in the human being through his Consciousness can expand.
Kundalini Activation
When a person awakens, the Kundalini activates a flow of energy, similar to the Flaming Serpent, which begins from the basic chakra at the base of the spine (coccyx) and rises towards the spinal cord, thus strengthening the rotation of the chakras (energy points) and thus detects and faculties such as intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy and others arise or accentuate.

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