Sacred vs. Shinola


Sacred vs. Shinola is a collection of letters to my children. Like most parents,
as my little ones grew I wanted to equip them for life, hoping they will have
fewer heartaches and scars than me - choose better sooner - and not settle
for shiny things with hooks in them – like kids can do. (and us adults, too)

My aim was to help them see and think clearly in a world becoming more
confused about what's sacred and best - enable them to spot wily Pied Pipers
peddling trinkets and counterfeits - and fall for their slick pitches less than I did.
Seems to me that's part of my sacred role as a parent.

Though these letters are addressed directly to my children, you and yours
are welcome to listen in. Afterall, life is a group hike.

pro-mbooks3 : libris