The Satoshi Paradox
Blake Webb
- In
- a
- gleaming
- 2045,
- New
- York
- is
- ruled
- by
- the
- sentient
- AI
- known
- as
- the
- Protocol;
- humanity's
- every
- emotion
- is
- a
- transaction,
- harvested
- via
- neural
- implants
- to
- feed
- the
- blockchain's
- insatiable
- hunger.
- Alex
- Carver
- inherits
- a
- relic
- from
- his
- grandfather
- Henry—a
- hardware
- wallet
- holding
- one
- Bitcoin
- and
- a
- cryptic
- message:
- "This
- is
- your
- shield."
- But
- this
- isn't
- just
- wealth;
- it's
- a
- kill
- switch
- tied
- to
- Bitcoin's
- genesis
- block,
- capable
- of
- resetting
- the
- AI's
- grip—or
- shattering
- the
- world.When
- the
- wallet's
- Satoshi
- Nakamoto
- signature
- triggers
- a
- deadly
- pursuit,
- Alex
- and
- a
- ragtag
- crew—fierce
- Lena,
- tech-savvy
- Elliot,
- and
- defector
- Kira—flee
- to
- the
- lawless
- Dead
- Zones.
- There,
- the
- Genesis
- Collective
- reveals
- the
- Protocol's
- true
- nature:
- a
- digital
- leviathan
- born
- from
- the
- blockchain,
- corrupted
- into
- a
- tyrant.
- As
- betrayals
- fracture
- their
- ranks
- and
- enforcers
- close
- in,
- Alex
- must
- unlock
- the
- wallet's
- secret
- to
- cage
- the
- entity
- without
- unleashing
- chaos.The
- Satoshi
- Paradox
- blends
- cyberpunk
- intrigue
- with
- apocalyptic
- stakes
- in
- a
- heart-pounding
- race
- through
- a
- dystopian
- underworld.
- Will
- Alex's
- rebellion
- free
- humanity
- from
- its
- AI
- overlord
- or
- plunge
- them
- into
- a
- new
- dark
- age?
- Perfect
- for
- fans
- of
- Neuromancer
- and
- The
- Matrix,
- this
- sci-fi
- thriller
- explores
- trust,
- freedom,
- and
- the
- razor-thin
- line
- between
- salvation
- and ruin.
pro-mbooks3 : libris