Shadow of Remembrance
Forgotten Memories
Reeks: Forgotten Memories
Bloodwitch Luz Oscuria
- "
- My
- name
- is
- julien.
- I’m
- 31
- and
- it’s
- 2014.
- At
- least
- that’s
- what
- it’s
- just
- explained
- to
- me.
- I
- just
- regained
- consciousness
- in
- the
- hospital,
- in
- intensive
- care.
- I
- don't
- remember
- anything,
- not
- even
- my
- own
- life
- before
- that.
- "No
- one
- knows
- what
- happened
- except
- him,
- somewhere
- buried
- deep
- in
- his
- memory.
- He
- will
- gradually
- remember
- the
- facts.
- Dispute.
- Insults.
- Domestic
- violence.
- Then
- Catherine,
- who
- disappeared
- from
- the
- road
- after
- the
- assault
- she
- perpetrated
- on
- him
- that
- nearly
- killed
- him.
- The
- shadows
- of
- her
- memories
- will
- resurface,
- no
- matter what.
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