Seneca, Kansas: Not Another Travel Guide


Seneca, Kansas... seriously. Prepare to spend a week there one day... well, actually it's about 36 hours if you count the trip in from the northern border, down along the upper Kansas margin on Highway 36, which is also provided so you can experience the full flavor agrarian Kansas has to offer.
Before you scoff and decide absolutely nobody in their right mind would want to live it, let alone read about it or look at all the cool pictures drawing you through a full sunny Sunday, here's a short list of who will benefit from this amazing collection of Great Plains images:
Cubicle Convicts - you know who you are, chained to a desk, monitored by the warden, just waiting to rattle your tin Starbucks mug against the fake fabric lining your cell. You're pretty sure you remember what it looks like out a window, if only you had one. If you recall, it wasn't much to see, just other steel and glass monoliths and a brown ugly haze. If it matters, the folks out here on the farm pity you and truly wish you a better life. Grab a copy of this book and allow them to share a day with you. Consider it parole... you deserve it.
World Travelers - that jet setting bunch, Rio to Paris, NY to LA, Miami to... Seneca! Because most likely not a single one of your fancy friends will likely be able to claim this oft missed vacation destination. Because admit it, after awhile, those big cities all tend to blur together. This book is your cure.
Model Railroad Enthusiasts and Miniature Town Modelers - from popular HO and N scale train folks up to Lionel O-Guage Three-Railers, and especially Lego Train AFOLs will find this little book a treasure trove of information and design suggestions from a truly prototypical Mid-western / Great Plains farm town with brick and cobble stone main street to glorious country churches. Get the look and feel for transition townships all across America serviced by rail and still alive today.
Intelligent, Creative, and Progressive People of all walks of life: because the smarter you are, the more you know knowledge is power. Fill in those weak areas of your brain about daily life in a small town and treat those highly convoluted lobes to the visual delights of nature, agriculture, and experiences you've only read about, but never seen... until now.
People who live this life everyday - farmers, townspeople, and those recently removed from the country wanting a chance to awaken the wonder and amazement of your life to better appreciate all the gifts God gave you by putting dirt under your boots and the sun and rain over your head. Experience the book and realize how special your life is out with the land - then order all your pitiful city friends a copy so they can better understand why you do what you do and live where you live, even if many years it seems like the last possible one on your farm - because somehow, you make it work, from sun up to sun down, and still take the requisite holy day to give your thanks for all that is good in your life.
Everyone who said, "Ha! Vacation spots and beaches - any fool with a camera can take those pictures. There's no way you could do the same thing in the middle of nowhere." Really? How about right past it and 140 miles from the geographic middle of our great nation? Is that far enough from the ocean for you? This is my answer to that challenge.
Whichever category you are, snag your copy, settle in, and return to that life you're missing or you've forgotten. I hope you enjoy your Sunday in Seneca.

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