The Experience Wellness Project
Bob Coleman
- This
- book
- seeks
- to
- change
- lives
- by
- inspiring
- a
- new
- way
- of
- thinking
- about
- what
- it
- takes
- to
- renew
- and
- sustain
- health:
- that
- people
- are
- not
- likely
- to
- make
- significant
- lifestyle
- changes
- on
- their
- own,
- that
- some
- level
- of
- intervention
- is
- required,
- that
- people
- in
- leadership
- positions,whether
- in
- business,
- church,
- hospitals
- or
- community
- organizations,
- have
- the
- best
- opportunity,
- and
- some
- would
- argue
- responsibility,
- to
- initiate
- the
- intervention.
- The
- type
- of
- intervention
- is
- extremely
- important,
- given
- the
- history
- of
- various
- strategies
- that
- have
- proven
- to
- be
- largely
- ineffective.
- This
- book
- introduces
- you
- to
- the
- "Leader's
- Playbook"
- which
- you
- can
- use
- to
- help
- people
- discover
- activities,
- support,
- friends,
- and
- places
- that
- are
- fun
- and
- rewarding.
- The
- creation
- of
- the
- experience
- becomes
- then
- the
- major
- catalyst
- for
- change.
- How
- does
- a
- leader
- go
- about
- helping
- people
- find
- the
- kinds
- of
- experiences
- that
- they
- enjoy
- and
- that
- will
- improve
- their health?