Chamber of Candace

John and the Keeper, #1

Reeks: John and the Keeper


An intricately weaved tell tale though much and the more told: is more and the much hard to believe. About a man shunned by death, and bound by the earth's Armageddon. Sparked by the sobering incidence of a long asked question:

Is John the revelator indeed still alive?

Is thus abruptly answered when out of the blue a much marred and buffeted stranger assumes the stairs of a mission house. And there much laboriously announcing self as John before collapsing there under their pews and passing out.

Faced with the ideal of a choice to harbor him or disassociate self with his tall tales of the unending supernatural wars. The priest and his wife real quickly dispose him to a local hospital. Aiding set at one a new beginning of the sage and the keeper.

Twined by the desire to necessitate God's design for man. They thus patrol men's lives to avail an unhindered canvas where man can paint unpardonable choices loosed of the ills of darkness.

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