Maximus Body
The Physical and Mental Training Plan That Shreds Your Body, Builds Serious Strength, and Makes You Unstoppably Fit
Bobby Maximus ; Michael Easter
- Men's
- Health
- magazine's
- #1
- personal
- trainer
- delivers
- cutting-edge,
- high-intensity
- workouts
- to
- help
- you
- pack
- serious
- muscle
- and
- become
- unstoppably
- fit.From
- the
- man
- responsible
- for
- the
- gym
- that
- trained
- the
- actors
- in
- the
- movie
- 300
- comes
- cutting-edge
- fitness
- strategies,
- 100
- workouts,
- and
- a
- training
- plan
- that
- has
- successfully
- transformed
- A-list
- actors
- and
- actresses,
- elite
- special-forces
- soldiers,
- all-star
- athletes,
- and
- everyday
- men
- and
- women.
- With
- Bobby
- Maximus’s
- guidance
- you
- too
- can
- become
- one
- of
- the
- most
- insanely
- fit
- people
- the
- world
- has
- ever
- seen.The
- diets
- and
- workouts
- that
- promise
- easy
- results
- in
- minutes
- per
- day
- have
- tricked
- masses
- into
- wasting
- their
- money
- on
- false
- promises.
- Supplements,
- smoothies,
- and
- 4-minute
- workouts
- aren’t
- getting
- people
- any
- fitter.
- Getting
- that
- shredded
- body
- requires
- real
- commitment
- and
- real
- work—and
- Bobby
- can
- show
- you
- how.Maximus
- Body
- features
- circuit-style
- workouts
- that
- will
- push
- you
- to
- your
- limits
- and
- work
- your
- whole
- body.
- With
- a
- plethora
- of
- exercises
- like
- “Don’t
- Ask
- Me
- About
- Your
- Abs,”
- that
- work
- your
- core
- with
- a
- combination
- of
- sit
- ups,
- push
- ups,
- pull
- ups,
- and
- even
- leg
- raises,
- you
- can
- develop
- an
- exercise
- routine
- that
- fits
- your
- needs.
- Whether
- you
- are
- overweight
- and
- trying
- to
- get
- back
- into
- shape,
- or
- a
- high-level
- athlete
- trying
- to
- gain
- that
- extra
- edge,
- Maximus
- Body
- offers
- up
- thousands
- of
- once-secret
- ways
- to
- burn
- fat,
- add
- lean
- muscle,
- reveal
- a
- shredded
- 8-pack,
- and
- build
- mind-bending
- physical fitness.
pro-mbooks3 : libris