Sri Radhe, Astrology or Jyotish-Shastra, which consists of the three Skandas, Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora, is called the eye of the Vedas. The good and evil things of the world can be seen with the eyes, similarly the cause and renunciation of the good and evil actions prescribed in the Vedas, i.e. which action to do at what time and when not to do; How to do etc. The work of the eye is done by astrology. Just as a man with eyes can see thorns in the path and protect himself from them, so a man who knows astrology, knowing all good and evil deeds, can be happy by doing good deeds. When a man can accomplish even the rare deeds of the gods by being born in this mortal world and doing the best deeds, who is the wise man who will fail to come to such a good world and do the means of his advancement? With this in mind, Maharishi Naradaji,