Homo Roboticus
30 questions and answers on man, technology, science & art
Bram Vanderborght
- robots
- be
- given
- a
- license
- to
- kill?
- Do
- robots
- make
- good
- surgeons?
- What
- if
- athletes
- become
- robots?
- Would
- you
- let
- a
- robot
- put
- your
- grandmother
- to
- bed?
- Won't
- household
- robots
- wash
- your
- dirty
- linen
- in
- public?
- to
- cutting-edge
- technology,
- our
- living
- environment
- is
- changing
- rapidly.
- The
- combination
- of
- robotics
- and
- artificial
- intelligence
- has
- opened
- up
- a
- seemingly
- endless
- range
- of
- new
- possibilities,
- from
- self-driving
- cars
- to
- sex
- robots
- and
- killer
- bots.
- This
- technological
- revolution
- will
- drastically
- change
- our
- society,
- just
- as
- the
- industrial
- revolution
- did
- more
- than
- 250
- years
- ago.
- does
- man
- fit
- into
- this
- technological
- revolution?
- More
- than
- fifty
- professors
- and
- researchers
- have
- taken
- up
- this
- question,
- studying
- the
- ways
- in
- which
- technology
- can
- be
- further
- developed
- for
- the
- benefit
- of
- mankind.
- The
- book
- Homo
- Roboticus
- collates
- their
- answers
- and
- presents
- an
- inclusive
- robotic
- agenda
- along
- with
- recommendations
- for
- the
- present
- and
- the
- future.
- Roboticus
- is
- the
- work
- of
- Vrije
- Universiteit
- Brussel
- (VUB)
- think
- tank
- POINcaré
- and
- was
- created
- under
- the
- direction
- of
- An
- Jacobs
- (imec-SMIT,
- VUB),
- Lynn
- Tytgat
- (weKONEKT.brussels,
- VUB),
- Michel
- Maus
- (VUB
- -
- Bloomlaw),
- Romain
- Meeusen
- (MFYS,
- VUB),
- and
- Bram
- Vanderborght
- (Brubotics, VUB).
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