Peppermint Kisses
Brenda Billock
- Max
- is
- head
- over
- heels
- in
- love
- with
- his
- best
- friend’s
- beautiful
- sister-in-law.
- Left
- alone
- with
- her,
- in
- front
- of
- a
- warm
- fireplace,
- in
- a
- room
- full
- of
- Christmas
- decorations,
- he
- discovers
- his
- good
- tidings
- all
- start
- with
- the
- seductive
- woman
- licking
- a
- candy
- cane.Temperance
- can’t
- help
- herself
- when
- she’s
- around
- Max.
- The
- sexy
- man
- drives
- sensibility
- out
- of
- the
- room.
- They
- end
- up
- naked
- on
- the
- floor
- playing
- with
- the
- peppermint
- stick,
- then
- someone
- comes
- home.
- Concealed
- by
- the
- sofa,
- can
- they
- get
- dressed
- before
- their
- exhilarating
- rendezvous
- is
- exposed
- or
- will
- their
- secret
- adoration
- be revealed?
pro-mbooks3 : libris