Yes You Can Overcome Addiction


Addiction has become an epidemic in our society that is destroying the lives of people around the world at a rapidly increasing rate. When families have a loved one or even a friend who has been drawn into the world of drugs and alcohol addiction, or addiction of any kind, they are faced with the same challenging questions: is there a way out? Can a person truly break free from the bondage of addiction? The answer is YES YOU CAN! Addiction of any kind can be beaten. There is hope and there is a way.

The journey of recovery is the process of rebuilding every area of a person's life. It's the exciting journey of discovering your true potential and breaking through every limitation. No matter how challenging it may be, you can completely change your life and break free of the destructive cycle of addiction. You are not on this planet to survive; you are here to thrive and make a difference. Your best life is just one decision away!

Brennan was heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol for 15 years and it destroyed his life. Those years were a complete blur of parties, hangovers, and selling drugs, which just fuelled the addiction that had such a firm grip on his life. He was in and out of rehabilitation centres and finally hit rock bottom at 28 years old, and his journey of recovery began. He has overcome drug and alcohol addiction, and has been sober for the past 19 years!

This book is a practical guide to his first-hand experiences of his sobriety journey, and the valuable principles that have kept him sober all these years. The advice he shares in this book can help anyone overcome addiction and also avoid some of the pitfalls that can cause a relapse as you make progress in your journey. With an effective step-by-step action plan, you can overcome anything!

YES, YOU CAN Overcome Addiction has impacted the lives of thousands of people. In South Africa, the Gauteng Education Department distributed copies to schools within the province. It has also been distributed to bookshops, rehabilitation centers, and correctional centers. Brennan was also interviewed on a live broadcast to share his story and showcase his book during the Articulate Africa Books and Art Fair.

This book is a game changer and many lives have been changed through its message. May you be empowered to overcome as you read this book!

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