50 Great American Places
Essential Historic Sites Across the U.S.
Brent D. Glass
- A
- one-of-a-kind
- guide
- to
- fifty
- of
- the
- most
- important
- cultural
- and
- historic
- sites
- in
- the
- United
- States
- guaranteed
- to
- fascinate,
- educate,
- and
- entertain—selected
- and
- described
- by
- the
- former
- director
- of
- the
- Smithsonian’s
- National
- Museum
- of
- American
- History.From
- Massachusetts
- to
- Florida
- to
- Washington
- to
- California,
- 50
- Great
- American
- Places
- takes
- you
- on
- a
- journey
- through
- our
- nation’s
- history.
- Sharing
- the
- inside
- stories
- of
- sites
- as
- old
- as
- Mesa
- Verde
- (Colorado)
- and
- Cahokia
- (Illinois)
- and
- as
- recent
- as
- Silicon
- Valley
- (California)
- and
- the
- Mall
- of
- America
- (Minnesota),
- each
- essay
- provides
- the
- historical
- context
- for
- places
- that
- represent
- fundamental
- American
- themes:
- the
- compelling
- story
- of
- democracy
- and
- self-government;
- the
- dramatic
- impact
- of
- military
- conflict;
- the
- powerful
- role
- of
- innovation
- and
- enterprise;
- the
- inspiring
- achievements
- of
- diverse
- cultural
- traditions;
- and
- the
- defining
- influence
- of
- the
- land
- and
- its
- resources.Expert
- historian
- Brent
- D.
- Glass
- explores
- these
- themes
- by
- connecting
- places,
- people,
- and
- events
- and
- reveals
- a
- national
- narrative
- that
- is
- often
- surprising,
- sometimes
- tragic,
- and
- always
- engaging—complete
- with
- photographs,
- websites
- for
- more
- information,
- and
- suggestions
- for
- other
- places
- nearby
- worth
- visiting.Sites
- you
- would
- expect
- to
- read
- about—in
- Boston,
- New
- York,
- and
- Washington,
- DC—are
- here,
- as
- well
- as
- plenty
- of
- surprises,
- such
- as
- the
- Palace
- of
- the
- Governors
- in
- Santa
- Fe,
- or
- Ebenezer
- Baptist
- Church
- in
- Atlanta,
- or
- the
- Village
- Green
- in
- Hudson,
- Ohio;
- less
- obvious
- places
- that,
- together
- with
- the
- more
- well-known
- destinations,
- collectively
- tell
- the
- story
- of
- America.
- For
- families
- who
- want
- to
- take
- a
- trip
- that
- is
- both
- educational
- and
- entertaining,
- for
- history
- enthusiasts,
- or
- anyone
- curious
- about
- our
- country’s
- greatest
- places,
- this
- book
- is
- the
- perfect guide.
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