Two Centuries of Panoramic Wallpaper
Brian D. Coleman
- Since
- its
- founding
- in
- 1797,
- Zuber
- &
- Cie
- wallpapers’
- fame
- has
- spread
- far
- and
- wide,
- from
- King
- Louis
- Philippe
- awarding
- Jean
- Zuber
- the
- Legion
- of
- Honor
- in
- 1834
- to
- Jackie
- Kennedy
- installing
- Zuber’s
- “Vues
- de
- l'Amérique
- du
- Nord”
- in
- the
- White
- House.
- According
- to
- France
- Today,
- the
- company
- still
- uses
- the
- same
- antique
- woodblocks,
- the
- same
- paint
- formulas,
- and
- the
- same
- time-honored
- processes
- to
- create
- its
- stunning
- wallpapers
- as
- it
- did
- in
- Jean
- Zuber’s
- time.
- Gorgeous
- displays
- of
- friezes,
- borders,
- ceiling
- roses
- and
- architectural
- trompe
- l’oeil,
- have
- been
- photographed
- for
- Zuber
- in
- homes
- in
- the
- United
- States,
- France,
- and
- the
- United Kingdom.
pro-mbooks3 : libris