Hunting the Killers of Innocence is the gripping sequel to the bestselling novel Girls Disavowed, in which Detective Jeffrey McManus finds himself thrust into a high-stakes international battle against a despicable and relentless human trafficking organization. Joining a dedicated task force, McManus navigates through dangerous territories and tangled webs of corruption to bring down the sinister network preying on the vulnerable. However, as the pursuit intensifies, Hanna's killer resurfaces from the shadows, seeking revenge on McManus and inflicting terror upon society.
With the stakes higher than ever before, McManus must confront his darkest fears and resolve to end this reign of terror once and for all. A heart-pounding tale of justice, vengeance, and resilience, Hunting the Killers of Innocence delves deep into the depths of the human psyche and the harrowing reality of a world where evil knows no bounds.