The 12 Week Year Field Guide
Get More Done In 12 Weeks Than Others Do In 12 Months
Brian P. Moran ; Michael Lennington
- Update
- your
- thinking
- and
- avoid
- complacency
- with
- the
- 12
- week
- yearAre
- you
- ready
- to
- change
- your
- life?
- This
- hands-on
- template
- for
- implementing
- advice
- from
- the
- game-changing
- book
- The
- 12
- Week
- Year
- is
- a
- study
- guide
- that
- makes
- it
- easy
- for
- anyone
- to
- apply
- the
- 12
- week
- year
- to
- their
- own
- lives.
- Instead
- of
- getting
- bogged
- down
- in
- annualized
- thinking
- that
- produces
- pitfalls
- and
- saps
- productivity,
- follow
- along
- with
- this
- guide
- to
- redefine
- your
- “year”
- to
- be
- just
- 12
- weeks
- long.
- By
- doing
- so,
- you’ll
- avoid
- complacency,
- begin
- to
- focus
- on
- what
- matters
- most,
- create
- better
- clarity,
- and
- develop
- a
- sense
- of
- urgency
- so
- that
- “now”
- is
- always
- the
- right
- time
- to
- act.Applicable
- to
- business
- growth,
- career
- goals,
- and
- life
- in
- general,
- the
- 12
- week
- plan
- will
- help
- you
- improve
- in
- any—or
- every—area.
- By
- closing
- the
- “knowing-doing
- gap,”
- you’ll
- discover
- how
- to
- execute
- on
- what
- you
- already
- know
- and
- greatly
- expand
- the
- boundaries
- of
- your
- capabilities.
- Learn
- to:Take
- back
- your
- life,
- improve
- your
- thinking,
- and
- advance
- your
- business
- or
- career
- by
- implementing
- real-world,
- hands-on
- methods
- in
- The
- 12
- Week
- Year
- Study Guide.