Breathless Bodies

Breathless Bodies, #1

Reeks: Breathless Bodies


“What’s out there?” I asked. I already knew though.

“Them.” He said. He turned and looked at me. In the dark of the room, I couldn’t see him clearly, but his tension was unmistakable. Unable to stop myself, I asked.

“Malcolm. How many?” He stood motionless for a bit then dropped his head and sighed.

“Too many.” Those were the words I was most afraid to hear. Allot, enough, a bunch, I would have taken any of those, but not ‘too many’.

“What do you to do Alex?” I could feel his winter blue eyes on me, expecting an escape plan or something to save us. I had nothing. Sighing, I hunched my shoulders and thought.

Two kids, steady job, and a husband made Alex your average mother. The war veteran that took her under his wing made her above average. Now, with the world in the drain and zombies in existence, will she have what it takes to keep her family safe? Facing a world of flesh eaters along with roving bands of raiders, can Alex keep group away from the heinous Darius? The answers are only a page away.

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