- Fired
- from
- teaching
- in
- an
- urban
- school
- district,
- 24-year-old
- Meghan
- James
- must
- get
- her
- life
- on
- track—and
- fast.
- If
- not,
- she
- fears
- her
- wealthy
- father
- will
- force
- her
- to
- work
- at
- his
- company
- where
- she
- will
- be
- uninspired.
- Wanting
- to
- prove
- her
- independence
- and
- redemption,
- Meghan
- decides
- to
- teach
- again,
- this
- time
- at
- a
- juvenile
- detention
- center.
- This
- sets
- her
- on
- a
- personal
- journey
- to
- successfully
- teach
- her
- traumatized
- students.
- It's
- the
- hardest
- thing
- she's
- ever
- done.
- Her
- choices,
- big
- or
- small,
- innocent
- or
- selfish,
- could
- have
- transformative
- or
- damning
- consequences.However,
- Meghan's
- problems
- surpass
- the
- juvenile
- detention
- center.
- As
- she
- struggles
- to
- deal
- with
- her
- mother's
- death,
- Meghan's
- father
- marries
- a
- woman
- nearly
- her
- age
- and
- she
- can't
- forgive
- him
- for
- it.
- She
- is
- also
- losing
- her
- best
- friend
- Jenny
- due
- to
- her
- own
- insecurities.
- At
- the
- same
- time,
- Meghan
- is
- gaining
- a
- "perfect,"
- new
- boyfriend
- despite
- her
- insensitivity
- to
- him
- as
- her
- mind
- drifts
- toward
- forbidden
- love.Nothing
- Left
- is
- the
- story
- of
- a
- young
- woman
- fighting
- for
- purpose,
- success,
- independence,
- love,
- friendship,
- and
- healing.
- But
- we
- know
- she
- can't
- have
- it
- all.
- What
- can
- she
- win
- and
- what
- will
- she
- lose?
- And
- how
- bad
- could
- it be?
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