Beautifully Broken
Brittany cotten
- "Brittany
- Cotten
- writes
- in
- a
- stream
- of
- consciousness
- style;pouring
- her
- thoughts,
- boldly
- on
- the
- page,
- her
- meaning
- andfeelings
- unmistakable!"-
- Adrianne
- Summer
- (
- Author
- of
- 'The
- Ronin
- Affair'
- )Beautifully
- Broken
- is
- a
- collection
- of
- poetry
- from
- 2009
- -
- 2023.It
- is
- full
- of
- the
- hard
- truth
- of
- dealing
- with
- the
- Hell
- we
- call
- life.come
- along
- with
- Brittany
- as
- she
- deals
- with
- the
- ups
- and
- downsof
- her life.
pro-mbooks3 : libris