- In
- Lessons
- in
- Joy,
- pioneering
- educator
- Brittany
- Ann
- Cufaude
- reveals
- the
- most
- effective
- methods
- for
- putting
- us
- back
- in
- touch
- with
- what
- is
- at
- the
- heart
- of
- joyful
- and
- highly-effective
- teaching
- and
- leadership.
- These
- methods
- can
- be
- used
- by
- anyone,
- any
- time,
- anywhere
- no
- matter
- where
- one
- is
- in
- the
- practice.
- Drawing
- on
- stories
- from
- her
- own
- practice,
- she
- sheds
- light
- on
- three
- core
- values:
- authentic
- connection;
- learning
- obsession,
- and
- team
- interdependence.
- As
- she
- unpacks
- the
- wisdom
- within
- each
- of
- these
- core
- values,
- she
- leads
- readers
- through
- a
- journey
- that
- holds
- the
- power
- to
- restore
- or
- invigorate
- a
- joyful
- and
- highly-effective
- practice.Brittany
- is
- devoted
- to
- teacher
- hearts,
- their
- healing,
- and
- the
- well-being
- of
- anyone
- connected
- to
- schools
- in
- any
- form.
- In
- this
- way,
- Lessons
- in
- Joy
- offers
- simple
- solutions
- to
- very
- complex
- issues.
- It
- helps
- you
- orient
- yourself
- in
- relationship
- to
- your
- calling,
- build
- authentic
- connections
- with
- your
- students
- and
- colleagues,
- remain
- curious
- and
- compassionate
- in
- your
- practice,
- and
- implement
- the
- highest
- impact
- best-practices.
- Lesson
- in
- Joy
- gently
- supports
- you
- in
- opening
- up
- your
- heart,
- rolling
- up
- your
- sleeves,
- and
- partnering
- with
- a
- compassionate
- community
- to
- better
- serve
- the
- children
- whose
- lives
- depend
- on it.
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