Critical Care Common Conditions
Critical Care Essentials
Reeks: Critical Care Essentials
Brittany Stone, DNP, AGACNP-BC
- "Common
- Conditions
- in
- Critical
- Care"
- is
- an
- essential
- guide
- for
- healthcare
- professionals
- who
- manage
- critically
- ill
- patients.
- This
- comprehensive
- resource
- covers
- a
- wide
- range
- of
- critical
- conditions
- encountered
- in
- intensive
- care
- units,
- providing
- in-depth
- insights
- into
- pathophysiology,
- clinical
- presentation,
- and
- evidence-based
- management
- strategies.What's
- Inside:Overview
- of
- Critical
- Care
- Medicine:Definition
- and
- importance
- of
- critical
- careScope
- and
- types
- of
- patients
- treatedThe
- multidisciplinary
- critical
- care
- teamBasics
- of
- Critical
- Care:Introduction
- to
- critical
- care
- pharmacologyDetailed
- Sections
- on
- Major
- Conditions:Special
- Situations:Monitoring
- and
- Diagnostics:Therapeutic
- and
- Supportive
- Interventions:Future
- Trends
- in
- Critical
- Care:Key Features