Feast Your Eyes
Brittany Wright
- Artist
- Brittany
- Wright
- was
- stuck
- in
- a
- job
- she
- didn't
- love
- and
- needed
- a
- new
- creative
- project
- to
- stay
- happy
- --
- so
- she
- learned
- to
- cook.
- Inspired
- by
- the
- effortless
- beauty
- of
- her
- ingredients
- --
- fresh
- fruits,
- vegetables,
- and
- more
- --
- she
- created
- the
- hugely
- popular
- Instagram
- hashtag
- #foodgradients
- to
- showcase
- the
- splendor
- of
- nature's
- edible
- rainbows.The
- vivid
- photographs
- in
- this
- book
- capture
- the
- diversity
- and
- beauty
- of
- the
- foods
- we
- love
- to
- eat,
- from
- heirloom
- tomatoes
- and
- hot
- peppers
- to
- ripe
- strawberries
- and
- frosted
- cupcakes.
- Inside,
- revel
- in
- the
- vivid
- neons
- of
- your
- favorite
- candies,
- the
- rich
- color
- of
- freshly
- picked
- greens,
- and
- the
- gorgeous
- shades
- you
- can
- even
- find
- in
- a
- single
- cup
- of
- coffee.
- Each
- exquisite,
- neatly
- ordered
- photograph
- is
- a
- pleasure
- to
- get
- lost
- in.With
- a
- sleek,
- minimalist
- design
- and
- more
- than
- a
- hundred
- high-quality
- photographs,
- Feast
- Your
- Eyes
- is
- a
- celebration
- of
- the
- earth's
- bounty,
- a
- breath
- of
- fresh
- air
- for
- the
- busy
- mind,
- and
- an
- inspiration
- for
- everyone
- looking
- for
- joy
- in
- the
- simple
- things."The
- year's
- most
- satisfying
- new book."-GrubStreet
pro-mbooks3 : libris