Waking the Dead
Bryan Asbury
- Waking
- the
- Dead
- by
- breakout
- author
- Bryan
- Asbury
- features
- eight
- short
- stories
- that
- will
- take
- you
- by
- the
- hand
- and
- lead
- you
- down
- a
- dark,
- shadowy
- path
- where
- terror
- and
- retribution
- reign
- supreme.
- Asbury,
- the
- product
- of
- far
- too
- many
- 80's
- and
- 90's
- cinematic
- thrillers,
- knows
- what
- horror
- fans
- want,
- and
- he
- knows
- how
- to
- deliver!
- Lock
- the
- doors
- and
- sit
- back,
- because
- this
- is
- a
- collection
- that
- you
- will
- appreciate—at
- least
- until
- it's
- time
- to
- shut
- off
- the
- lights...———"This
- is
- bar
- none
- one
- of
- the
- most
- well-paced
- and
- terrifying
- short
- stories
- that
- I've
- heard
- in
- a
- very
- long
- time.
- Bryan
- continues
- to
- demonstrate
- a
- keen
- knack
- for
- getting
- into
- the
- listener's
- mind
- and
- leading
- them
- down
- a
- dark,
- shadowy
- stretch
- of
- abject
- terror.
- This
- one
- is,
- at
- worst,
- a
- solid
- addition
- to
- a
- horror
- anthology
- series,
- or
- at
- best,
- a
- movie
- in
- the
- making."
- —P.D.
- Williams
- author
- of
- "Dark
- House,
- Many
- Rooms.""Bryan
- Asbury's
- ability
- to
- craft
- stories
- that
- are
- both
- enthralling
- and
- eerie
- continues
- to
- set
- him
- apart
- in
- the
- world
- of
- horror
- literature
- and
- cinema."
- —TBM
- Horror"Asbury's
- new
- short
- story
- collection,
- "Waking
- the
- Dead"
- represents
- a
- significant
- evolution
- of
- his
- literary
- style.
- When
- looking
- at
- his
- new
- stories,
- his
- stellar
- dialogue
- writing
- and
- excellent
- eye
- for
- characters
- are
- still
- very
- much
- present,
- but
- they're
- paired
- with
- a
- shocking,
- more
- violent
- tone
- that
- works
- remarkably
- well.
- They
- won't
- appeal
- to
- everyone,
- but
- they
- work
- remarkably
- well
- for
- horror
- fans
- who
- either
- don't
- mind
- or
- prefer
- an
- edgier
- bend
- to
- the
- stories
- they
- read."
- —Yellow
- Scene Magazine
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