A Path to Faith through Science and Common Sense
Bryan Wetzel
- For
- many
- skeptics
- or
- individuals
- not
- exposed
- to
- religion,
- the
- path
- to
- faith
- may
- require
- compelling
- evidence
- of
- a
- spiritual
- creator
- or
- intelligent
- designer
- of
- our
- world
- and
- universe.
- This
- book
- embarks
- on
- a
- comprehensive
- exploration
- of
- the
- evidence
- supporting
- the
- existence
- of
- God,
- drawing
- from
- scientific
- discoveries,
- personal
- experiences,
- and
- unexplained
- phenomena.
- It's
- important
- to
- note
- that
- this
- is
- not
- a
- preaching
- book,
- nor
- does
- it
- attempt
- to
- elevate
- one
- religion's
- deity
- over
- another.
- Instead,
- it
- serves
- as
- an
- objective
- investigation
- into
- the
- mysteries
- that
- science
- has
- yet
- to
- solve
- and
- for
- which
- it
- currently
- has
- no
- definitive
- answers.The
- first
- chapter
- delves
- deep
- into
- the
- science
- of
- our
- existence
- and
- the
- universe,
- posing
- thought-provoking
- questions
- about
- our
- origins
- and
- purpose.
- It
- aims
- to
- clarify
- what
- science
- truly
- knows
- about
- the
- topics
- covered
- in
- this
- book,
- dispelling
- common
- misconceptions
- and
- highlighting
- areas
- of
- uncertainty.
- Many
- readers
- will
- likely
- be
- surprised
- to
- discover
- how
- limited
- our
- scientific
- understanding
- is
- in
- certain
- areas
- and
- how
- much
- of
- what
- we
- consider
- established
- science
- regarding
- life
- and
- the
- universe
- is,
- in
- fact,
- based
- on
- conjecture
- and
- hypothesis
- rather
- than
- concrete
- evidence.The
- second
- chapter
- offers
- a
- fascinating
- exploration
- of
- the
- miracles
- that
- occur
- around
- us,
- both
- those
- we
- may
- be
- aware
- of
- and
- those
- that
- often
- go
- unnoticed.
- This
- section
- includes
- a
- collection
- of
- compelling
- stories
- drawn
- from
- the
- author's
- personal
- experiences
- as
- well
- as
- those
- of
- others.
- These
- accounts
- serve
- to
- illustrate
- the
- potential
- presence
- of
- a
- higher
- power
- or
- unexplained
- forces
- at
- work
- in
- our
- daily
- lives.In
- the
- third
- chapter,
- we
- examine
- near-death
- experiences
- from
- both
- scientific
- and
- personal
- perspectives.
- This
- balanced
- approach
- allows
- readers
- to
- consider
- the
- phenomenon
- through
- the
- lens
- of
- empirical
- research
- while
- also
- engaging
- with
- the
- profound
- and
- often
- life-changing
- nature
- of
- these
- experiences
- as
- reported
- by
- individuals
- who
- have
- undergone
- them.The
- subsequent
- chapter
- tackles
- the
- important
- topic
- of
- false
- idols
- that
- many
- people
- have
- begun
- to
- worship,
- whether
- intentionally
- or
- unintentionally.
- This
- section
- encourages
- readers
- to
- reflect
- on
- their
- own
- values
- and
- priorities,
- considering
- whether
- they
- may
- have
- inadvertently
- elevated
- certain
- aspects
- of
- modern
- life
- to
- an
- unhealthy
- level
- of
- importance.The
- book
- concludes
- with
- practical
- guidance
- on
- how
- to
- deepen
- one's
- spirituality
- and
- connect
- with
- a
- higher
- power.
- Additionally,
- it
- provides
- a
- curated
- list
- of
- recommended
- readings
- from
- other
- authors
- that
- have
- been
- instrumental
- in
- the
- author's
- own
- journey
- towards
- a
- better
- understanding
- of
- the
- world
- around
- us
- and
- the
- interconnectedness
- of
- all
- things.Throughout
- this
- exploration,
- readers
- are
- encouraged
- to
- approach
- the
- material
- with
- an
- open
- mind,
- considering
- the
- evidence
- presented
- and
- drawing
- their
- own
- conclusions.
- By
- examining
- the
- intersection
- of
- science,
- spirituality,
- and
- personal
- experience,
- this
- book
- aims
- to
- provide
- a
- comprehensive
- and
- thought-provoking
- look
- at
- the
- possibility
- of
- a
- divine
- presence
- in
- our universe.