Your life is as a private company, built with expensive specifications and the rarest of materials. You determine the position you hold from being at the bottom of the hierarchy to the top. You can rise from being a cleaner of a company, to head and own a company. These keys are very effective, and have played a huge role in activating the power that I possess within me. In order to succeed in life, you have to understand that every day and every hindrance has a process that requires your attention, faith, and belief in God, as well as your skills. When you unlock the keys to your recovery, you will be able to master every obstacle, hindrance, or bad situation. The answer is simply to remember your purpose and the reasons why God allows you to wake up every day. You own the keys to all your doors, be it, opportunities, creation, power, happiness, love, contentment, wisdom, knowledge, prosperity, progress, and productivity. You can unlock them all, provided you begin to alter your thought process.