This historical Christian drama takes place in the 1940s when World War II breaks out. Young Guy, abandoned at age 14 along with his six brothers and sisters, must find their own ways of survival. The children separate in order to survive. The two oldest boys go out on their own, the middle two boys are taken in by a family, and the three girls end up in an orphanage.Two of the girls were adopted, but it turned out to be abusive for one. Jo hates her life, and as she struggles to find her way, her sister Grace has become the spoiled brat.
Learn why Guy runs away to join the Navy, and how he ends up abandoned on a sinking ship only to feel abandoned all over again. Discover how he finds his sisters, and how his sisters find each other.
In a unique turn of events, the siblings find each other again in a sweet reunion. No matter what circumstances prevail, or how intense the struggle,through persistent determination and prayer, strong family ties can never be broken.