The Sehret Chronicles: The Follower
C. F. Barrows
- Three
- hundred
- years
- ago,
- the
- Rhenor
- nation
- split
- into
- two,
- the
- Reshen
- and
- the
- Khanor.
- One
- dwells
- in
- the
- Outerlands,
- the
- other
- in
- the
- Rhenor
- Mountains
- -
- and
- although
- the
- nations
- have
- made
- peace,
- their
- people
- have
- not.
- fateful
- day,
- two
- patrols
- clash
- inside
- a
- cave
- within
- Khanor
- borders.
- Mutual
- distrust
- provokes
- a
- brawl,
- and
- the
- ensuing
- cave-in
- cuts
- off
- the
- primary
- routes
- back
- to
- both
- of
- their
- homelands.
- To
- escape,
- they
- must
- join
- forces
- and
- brave
- the
- one
- remaining
- tunnel,
- one
- which
- cuts
- through
- the
- ominous
- Forbidden
- Regions.
- Along
- the
- way,
- each
- traveler's
- beliefs
- will
- face
- challenge,
- and
- the
- secrets
- of
- a
- few
- may
- threaten
- the
- safety
- of
- all.
- as
- they
- go,
- Lusefar,
- lord
- of
- the
- Saethen,
- sends
- his
- agents
- against
- them,
- stalking
- their
- prey
- as
- ravenous dragons.