- Step
- into
- a
- world
- of
- struggling
- fathers,
- aging
- English
- teachers,
- terrified
- mothers,
- plague-bearers,
- revenge
- artists,
- ill-fated
- lovers,
- and
- children
- searching
- for
- their
- place
- in
- life—all
- characters
- brought
- to
- life
- in
- the
- flash
- fiction
- of
- C.
- Jai
- Ferry.
- Ferry
- uses
- evocative
- language
- and
- imagery
- to
- highlight
- those
- telling
- moments
- when
- a
- person’s
- entire
- life
- changes
- from
- a
- seemingly
- simple
- decision.
- These
- bite-sized
- morsels,
- most
- fewer
- than
- 100
- words,
- examine
- the
- human
- condition
- and
- all
- its
- bittersweet moments.
pro-mbooks3 : libris