Revezia is an anachronistic planet with super-continents of varying degrees of technology and magic. This world has been a bastion of stories with numerous heroes and villains in this patchwork of multiple mysterious elements to it.
For this tale, we have Prince Shamakani of Excelsior Kingdom in the super-continent of Desideria. He has taken the inititiave to find some missing clerical mages from his homeland, so it's up to him, his guards Archibald and Reginald, and an apprentice mage name Paige who are up to the challenge to rescue them. Shamakani is armed with his family heirloom sword called Polaris which can detect people and can be enhanced with some internalized magic. However, their search party has to deal with various obstacles and to face some denizens who may have motives tied to these mages.
Welcome to Revezia. The atmosphere is a grand one of mystery and atypical elements.