Where the Dead Lie
Reeks: Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery
C. S. Harris
- **“The
- entire
- series
- is
- simply
- elegant.”—Lisa
- Gardner,
- #1
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- authorIn
- this
- historical
- mystery
- from
- the
- national
- bestselling
- author
- of
- Who
- Slays
- the
- Wicked,
- the
- abduction
- and
- murder
- of
- a
- young
- boy
- takes
- Sebastian
- St.
- Cyr
- from
- the
- gritty
- streets
- of
- London
- to
- the
- glittering
- pleasure
- haunts
- of
- the
- aristocracy...**London,
- 1813.
- One
- of
- the
- city's
- many
- homeless
- children,
- Benji
- Thatcher
- was
- abducted
- and
- murdered—and
- his
- younger
- sister
- is
- still
- missing.
- Few
- in
- authority
- care
- about
- a
- street
- urchin's
- fate,
- but
- Sebastian
- St.
- Cyr,
- Viscount
- Devlin,
- refuses
- to
- let
- this
- killer
- go
- unpunished.Uncovering
- a
- disturbing
- pattern
- of
- missing
- children,
- Sebastian
- is
- drawn
- into
- a
- shadowy,
- sadistic
- world.
- As
- he
- follows
- a
- grim
- trail
- that
- leads
- from
- the
- writings
- of
- the
- debauched
- Marquis
- de
- Sade
- to
- the
- city's
- most
- notorious
- brothels,
- he
- comes
- to
- a
- horrifying
- realization:
- Someone
- from
- society's
- upper
- echelon
- is
- preying
- upon
- the
- city's
- most
- vulnerable.
- And
- though
- dark,
- powerful
- forces
- are
- moving
- against
- him,
- Sebastian
- will
- risk
- his
- reputation
- and
- his
- life
- to
- keep
- more
- innocents
- from harm...
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