Don't Worry, I'm Fine
C. W. Duval
- At
- 2
- AM,
- Danny
- is
- standing
- on
- a
- frozen
- lake.
- He
- can't
- sleep,
- but
- he
- is
- fine.
- His
- life
- is
- about
- to
- change,
- for
- better
- and
- for
- worse,
- as
- his
- carefully
- constructed
- inner
- walls
- are
- systematically
- pulled
- apart
- by
- some
- well-intentioned
- people,
- and
- some
- not
- so
- well-intentioned
- ones."Can
- boys
- wear
- make-up?",
- is
- a
- question
- with
- a
- surprising
- amount
- of
- consequences
- when
- you're
- seventeen
- and
- live
- in
- the
- middle
- of
- nowhere.But
- for
- now
- he
- is
- just
- enjoying
- the
- cold,
- and
- don't
- worry,
- he's
- fine.
- He
- is
- completely fine.
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