The Skull & Laurel 001


Tenebrous' quarterly magazine of New Weird Fiction has arrived. If you're looking for the next generation of Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi writers; if you want to know what the future of Weird Fiction looks like...this is where you want to be.

Get in on the Weird Floor.

Table of Contents:

The Blind Cannot Judge Me, For They Cannot See I'm Good Inside - Rain Corbyn

The Sea-Hare - Wailana Kalama

Dermatillomania - Renan Bernardo

CARTESIANA - Abigail Guerrero

If We've Never Been Gone - Jeannie Marschall

The Halved World - Samir Sirk Morató

Variations on the Memory Palace - Avra Margariti

Dose of Dread: Never Waste A Drop - Tiffany Michelle Brown

Exquisite Corpse: This is not a dog - Various

Nonfiction: Breaking Bad Habits: Chasing Autonomy in Nunsploitation and Religious Horror - Mo Moshaty

Cover art by WolfSkullJack.

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